You might have to pay a fee as may be necessary in order to register or enroll for any Content (“Content Fee”). For price information, please go to our Platform. This Content Fee’s payment shall be handled by third-party payment processors. We advise you to examine the terms and policies of such third-party payment processors in order to better understand how applicable taxes may apply to your payments. There is no cancellation or refund of the Content Fee once You have purchased access to a Content on the Platform. 

As previously mentioned, in order to allow You to pay for the purchases made on the Platform, we utilize third-party service providers. As a result, it is made clear that we do not record or save any of your sensitive personal data. Please be careful to read the terms and conditions of these third-party payment gateways and service providers before making any payments through them. 

Contact us at {email} for questions related to refunds and returns.